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Gustavo Licandro Bosc served as Vice Minister of Economics and Finances and as Interim Minister in that department in the first half of the ‘90s decade, being the youngest person in Uruguay to occupy that position.
After this, he held the spot of Chief Advisor of the Economics department of the Republic of Paraguay, acting mainly in the macroeconomic area and in the design of policies for the financial sector and for the capitals market.
He has advised other Latin-American governments on the design and implementation of economic policies.
He held the chair of Political Economy at the Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga Catholic University in Uruguay. He has held conferences and taught in many undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Catholic University of Uruguay, at the ORT University, at the Montevideo University and at the Military Institute of higher education.
Licandro occupied the position of managing director of the Banks Association of Uruguay. He was a member of the board of directors of Banco Comercial S.A. Bank once the financial crisis arose. After leading the structuring of Nuevo Banco Comercial S.A. Bank in Uruguay with the assets and liabilities of the three financial institutions that were being liquidated, he was the President of its board of directors.
He has been part and is still a member of boards of directors in industrial, financial, cattle-raising and service companies. He is an economic and financial advisor of Uruguayan and overseas companies as well. He also provides advice to several business chambers in the industrial and commercial area, financial sector, pension fund administration and in the insurance sector.
Licandro has been a consultant of multilateral organizations, advisor of the Central Bank of Uruguay (Banco Central del Uruguay) and of the Planning and Budget Office (Oficina de Planeamiento y Presupuesto).
Having always been connected with the cattle-raising sector, he was a director and advisor of the Rural Association of Uruguay (Asociación Rural del Uruguay) and a member of the National Institute of Meat (INAC as it stands for Instituto Nacional de Carnes).
He is a senior partner in Licandro-DÃaz firm, which specializes in economic and financial advice, mergers and acquisitions, and fiscal and tax counsel. The firm also provides outsourcing services in the accounting and financial administration of companies and in the structuring of internal control systems for corporations.
He is the President of the board of directors of TRUST Investment Funds Administrator S.A. (TRUST Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A.).
Licandro graduated in economics from the Faculty of Economics Sciences of The University of the Republic.
Gustavo Licandro